I hopped on to this trend because a trend because i was scared of becoming a dinosaur, and wanted to piggyback off the engagement on my profile that successful daily projects lead to. Atleast according to a Medium article that I read. This isn’t to say that UI is easy, I actually think it’s a really cool skill - especially when you’re working with constraints. But UI without any context, feels a lot like a “making things pretty” exercise.
Add on top all the extensive work that GUI has undergone to get to the point it has, and all the (agreed upon) established best practices... there isn’t really a ton of room for innovation you know. Of course there IS variety in terms of the different backgrounds designers use - sometimes a dot matrix, sometimes a gradient orb!
My biggest learning was that I should optimize the design to appeal to Design Twitter. I also reflected, a lot. I thought I had a creative block but turns out i’m just lazy.
You and I both know, this reach out form is just a formality, because if you’re anything like me... you’re gonna compare yourself to other people's portfolios, rethink all your life decisions and then sink into a depressive slump. Congratulations! You now equate your self-worth to your work 🤡